During the first week of February, we honor those whose lives have been impacted by gun violence. By early February, more people are killed with guns in the US than are killed with guns in our peer countries in an entire year. And millions more each year are shot and wounded, threatened with a gun, or witness an act of gun violence. More than half of American adults have been affected by gun violence—an issue that all too often intersects with domestic violence.
We're joining Everytown for Gun Safety to share these stories during National Gun Violence Survivors Week. Learn more at www.momentsthatsurvive.org .
We also would like to take this time to honor Greg Zanis, affectionately known as "The Cross Guy" who passed away after a battle with bladder cancer. Mr. Zanis spent nearly 25 years constructing crosses and traveling the country to honor victims of gun violence. Our logo was created to be reminiscent of the 3 crosses he made and sat in the yard of the home where "Our 3" were murdered. We wish his family love and light.
